arctic requiem
“As the villagers, Cathleen Riddley, Michael Torres, Lynne Soffer and Lawrence Radecker offer dignified, full-bodied portrayals of people who, by fighting against the corporate polluters, are seen by other members of their tribe as “not practicing their culture.” Riddley performs a number of McMillen’s songs as mournful odes to a disappearing way of life.
Between Cole’s death and the ongoing, uphill battle to save Kivalina, there’s no possibility for a happy ending, and yet Hilfinger, McMillen and the superb actors elevate a story of sadness and struggle to something bigger and create something that is undeniably moving.”
SF Gate

“With its meticulous blending and balancing of imaginative, fairy tale-like elements; cold hard facts (detailed information about regulations and lawsuits is presented clearly); well-rounded characters played by committed, skilled actors; spare yet clever production values and costumes; and a set design suggesting the natural landscape (with real, tinkling water in the background), “Arctic Requiem” is rare indeed, a show that equally satisfies the heart, soul and mind.”
SF Examiner