the thrush and the woodpecker
“Custom Made Theatre Company is billing its latest, Steve Yockey’s “The Thrush and the Woodpecker,” as a revenge play. That’s accurate, but it’s also just one of the genres this strange — at times wondrously so — play takes on.
But soon, the show verges into other tones. It becomes, variously, philosophical — asking when one should follow one’s conscience in the face of major consequences — fantastical, poetic and even horrific. (The play’s title winks at a certain Hitchcock horror flick.)
…but it’s a testament to Tracy Ward’s direction that even from the beginning, the show doesn’t feel entirely naturalistic; an eerieness suffuses Brenda and Noah’s every parry.”
SF Chronicle

“Beautifully directed by Tracy Ward, Custom Made Theatre’s production features Stacy Ross (a perfect fit for a maternal control freak) with Adam Magill bringing an appealing sense of youth and innocence to his portrayal of Noah. It would be a severe understatement to say that Fontana Butterfield wipes up the floor as the crazed Roison, but one can’t really blame her.”
My Cultural Landscape